Hiring a Bad Contractor #2

Hiring a Bad Contractor #2

What can you do?

Hiring a contractor for your project can be a daunting task, and unfortunately, not all contractors are created equal. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to fire your contractor due to poor performance or other issues, it’s important to protect yourself and your investment.

One of the most critical steps is ensuring that all work is paid up to date between your contractor, suppliers, and subcontractors. This includes requesting lien waivers with dollar values and percentages to complete. These waivers protect you from any legal claims against your property by unpaid suppliers or subcontractors.

Additionally, it’s essential to request subcontract agreements and contact information for everyone who worked or has been assigned to your project. This information will help you stay informed about who is working on your project and ensure that everyone is paid fairly.

If you’ve already paid your contractor but suspect that they have overbilled you or delayed the project without justification, it’s important to know your legal rights. You may be entitled to compensation or other remedies under state law.

Finally, make sure that you keep a detailed list of deposits made throughout the project. This will help ensure that all payments are accounted for and can be used as evidence if needed in any legal disputes.

By taking these steps, you can protect yourself from bad contractors and ensure that your project stays on track financially.

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