
Iridium Development


Buy or Build?

Buy or Build?

High Interest Rates

If you are locked in with a low mortgage rate it most likely makes sense to renovate instead of buying new. 

The downside is living in a construction zone!


Luxury Estate

Selecting the right contractor can make a big difference.  Organization is the first ingredient to a successful renovation. You can assess how organized your contractor is by the estimate they provide you.

Having a detailed scope of work and values not only provides transparency but also shows you that the contractor understands what is need to complete the work.  

Luxury Real Estate

When we built Judge Judy’s Home we included every detail in the estimate from how many hinges to manufacture model numbers. This has been our standard process and always provided up front in our estimate. 

Regardless if the project is cost plus or fixed price, we list every detail, qty, count, size so there is less confusion later.  

We have found over the years that this makes the process much easier for the clients and for us. 

If you are presented with an estimate (or worse a contract) and after review you have no idea what is included…..I can assure you that this is not going to be a fun or successful journey. 

Our estimates have every detail. 

Start with all of the details and cost, then execute the work. Doing the work is always the easiest, making selections and knowing the true cost is best when it is presented clearly upfront. 

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